We have had two new reviews of Airship Shape & Bristol Fashion come in during the past week. They are both very pleasing.
This one, by Jonathan Hicks at RPG.net, says:
I enjoyed the stories here and found them fulfilling and thought provoking. Most of them hit the mark for me and even those that didn’t were a good read. In all, there are plenty of stories covering plenty of different ideas, styles and moods so there’s a lot of material that’ll suit most fans of the steampunk genre. I can easily recommend it.
And this one at Crinoline Robot notes:
One thing all the stories have in common is a good, focussed engagement with Bristol and its history, including its role as a slave port, and a city which was home to prominent pro-emancipation campaigners. Many characters have African heritage. Steampunk is often criticised for not engaging enough with the reality of 19th century history, with slavery and Empire, with the treatment of women and the working classes. These things are not ignored in this volume.
I very much enjoyed reading the whole thing. Here’s hoping the BristolCon Foundation is able to support more books by local writers.